In part of my dream last night I was holding a baby in one hand and scratching around my handbag with the other trying to find a pound coin. Struggling was an understatement, balancing the baby over one knee and trying not to drop pantyliners, sweet wrappers and baby bottles out my bag and on show! Then when I woke up I realised, it was a memory rather than a dream!...
As any mum will know, venturing out with a tiny one requires military planning. If you get as far as parking at a retail outlet you can pretty much conquer the world. If you're in a car park (and have remembered to take baby with you!) it means you've somehow managed to dress yourself, have some sort of wash, found a hair bobble to tie your greasy hair back, packed your bag with wipes, nappies, a bottle and of course... a spare dummy! AND watched the baby, ensuring he/she hasn't fell down the stairs while you were brushing your teeth, and miraculously got the baby ready to venture out!
So at the point of parking the car... IF you have also remembered your bank card you're laughing! You can actually shop and complete the transaction without looking like a mushy-brained new mum at the checkout. (Surely?)
So my question is!!!!..... Who's bright idea was it to have trolleys lined up outside 'MOTHERCARE' that require a pound coin to unlock and use them!? INSTANT FAIL AND HOME WE GO! A pound???? I was lucky if I remembered my bra and pants never mind a pound coin!!! So here's where the memory came from. Sweating outside Mothercare, holding a car seat and what might as well be a suitcase full of essentials, while next bottle feed is fast approaching and realising that I probably don't have 5p in my bag never mind a pound. It took us 4.5 hours to get this far. Hormones going mad, tears imminent from George AND me! MotherCARE??? Mother Fu&£er more like!
No pound coin and no cash machine on the retail outlet. Home we go, sweaty, teary and feeling like a failure.
Now I have to say, apart from this trolley issue, which i'm not sure they still have, I do love Mothercare. Product range is fab, nursery stuff gorgeous and everything reasonably priced. So why oh why did they ever decide to use trolleys that require a quid to unlock them?
Dearest Mothercare, if you still have these trolleys PLEASE sort it out! Much love xx
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