Thursday 14 April 2011


How does a nose become so firmly blocked that you can't blow it??? Don't think I'm gonna try again or my eyes will fly across the room.
And THAT is why I'm not writing my diary at present. No my eyes haven't flown across the room! In a couple of years when I'm reading back through this blog I'll love remembering the fun days with G and silly adventures. On the other hand, strepsils, snot and streamy eyes aren't worth remembering.
Right, off to nursery with G on the bike. I apologise now little man in case you get my sneeze in the trailing winds. Oh yeah, your hair looks sweet G, cheers for letting mummy cut it.

Note to self: Eastenders tonight with Ronnie confessing at the end!!!!! DO NOT MISS

Second note to self: Only 10 days til camping!!! Whoop!

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