Saturday 2 April 2011

There's clean, then there's just stoopid!

9am. Still laying in bed with G. He's been up all bloody night coughing so we've had to delay plans to visit family. He's happy enough watching Mickey, just a bit wheezy so he'll have to take it easy today.

So, here's the thing! The new advert for an automatic handwash dispenser really gets on my t!ts. Am I missing something?? Unless I'm mistaken, once you've touched an ordinary soap get soap!.. you're about to.... (you've guessed it)... Wash your hands!!
So whatever 'nasties' have found their way onto your handwash are just about to be plug-holed anyway!
I'm all for getting rid of bugs and washing hands but where does it stop?? Do we need another sink just outside the bathroom to wash off the germs from the door knob? Oh wait!... My iPhone must have germs on it, I must wash my hands at once.
Surely it's just about common sense? Wash your hands after number ones and twos, and before cooking/eating. Oh and don't play catch with a raw chicken!
Sorry boffins you won't convince me on this one.

Right, I'm off to mop the kitchen floor. The mop I used yesterday touched the kitchen bin as I got it out the cupboard.


1 comment:

  1. Glad its not just me! Germ-bashing gone mad. Yes, fight the little blighters & keep things clean but an all out war on them is just a waste of time & effort. Must go, need to wipe the keyboard down....!

    Hope G is feeling better soon, Kieran says to say "HELLO!".
