Thursday 31 March 2011

A serious investigation...

A serious investigation is underway to find out who finished off my hot chocolate! I currently have no clues but apparently it wasn't George!....

Wednesday 30 March 2011

By the way!... (she's talking buttocks again!)

Just a quick update for those of you following my buttock progress....(you sad sad people!)
I've cycled to nursery and home with G on the back, for 5 days now.
We (my buttocks and I) hit the wall of pain, cycled through it and are ready to take on the world! So I still have 12lb to lose, a muffin-top to tone, parsnip legs to shrink and cellulite to firm but aching buttock muscles are sooo last week! Already looking forward to tomorrows trip!

It's all bloomin lovely!

Yesterday, the doorbell rang and I was handed these lovely flowers. Flowers are always ace but totally unexpected ones are just fab! So I went back inside with my new bouquet and my new cheesy grin to read the card.
The note simply said...

I've known Beryl since 2003 when I moved onto her street. We became friends straight away and despite us moving house 2 years ago I still see her every week, only now I have a monster with me pinching her biscuits every time I go. Beryl turned 80 last year and she was mortified to say the least. Why? Because she still thinks she's 18 and hates telling people she's 80. She absolutely cracks me up, always has time for me and often asks me to pick her a MacDonalds up on my way round!
She knows me inside out. So much so that she can tell when I'm pushing myself or got a lot on my mind just from a quick phone call (hence the 'slow down a bit')

Thank you Beryl x

A couple of weeks ago I posted a photo on Facebook of my new Iphone and Blackberry cases (my god, what a geek!) Anyway, they got loads of comments and I couldn't flippin find the link to the shop I bought them from. Fear not fellow geeks!... I've found it. and yes!.. they really are that stunning in real life. The photo is pretty good but when you have them in your hand you just want to snuggle them and tuck them up in bed!! (Seriously, what the hell is wrong with me??)

Gorgeous or what!!

Despite the fact we've overslept every single morning since the clocks went forward because we're mentally still in 'real time' it also means it's lighter at night, which meeeans!... Beer gardens and pub grub, woohoo! So Monday night as soon as Carl walked in, we dragged him out again. (He didn't take much dragging when he heard the words pub and grub) Found a wicked little playground at the back of a country pub for George and sat outside with our coats on like proper English people do at the first hint of a light evening. Wicked grub, G loved the playground (so did Mummy and Daddy!) and will definitely be going again very soon.

Today's diary post is ending here, I'm being shouted (and I quote) "MUMMY, CAN YOU WIPE MY BUM PLEASE. IT SMELLS REALLY SMELLY!!" Lovely, just lovely..... x

Monday 28 March 2011

Buttock ache update

So it seems it's gonna take more than 2 days of cycling before my arse stops aching on the morning nursery trip. Granted it was a gorgeous way to start the day!.. fresh air, exercise, George shouting "catch daddy up, catch daddy up" (He's driving a two litre car George, you f$cking catch him!!)
But! I'll stick at it. It has to get easier and it HAS to do me some good. If I don't lose any weight it'll certainly make me feel less guilty for pouring myself 2 wine glasses full of Baileys last night, D'oh!
Actually, the diet starts for real today. I enjoyed my weekend drinks with Hubby and seafood bake yesterday but It'd be a shame to keep up with the exercise and eat crap. So that's it for me until Easter.
Buttocks aside (sounds painful), I do really enjoy the cycle to nursery and back. It wakes me up and does wonders for 'ladies cramps' Ahh it's ok, no blokes are gonna read this. Actually I guess I cheated this morning by riding a bike with it being time of the month. I should have rollerskated with George on my back or done a sky dive into the nursery car park. Oh well ;o)
Have a great day x

Sunday 27 March 2011

My Sunday, in pictures...

10.15pm, so in 'real-time' it's 9.15pm ;o) Despite this i'm absolutely knackered and I'm already tucked up with a belly full of Baileys. Bliss.
Had plenty to write, remind myself of, and share but it'll have to wait as my eyes are going. So here's my day visually...

I know those feet!

and that head! 

Tis Spring!
Seafood cooked, now for the sauce

Seafood bakes! My own recipe. Get in!

Err... can I lick the bowl!?

One of G's MANY new words dotted all over the house!

That's how I feel mate!

Sweet dreams x


No, the monkfish didn't poison us!... Because I didn't cook it. Opted for a few drinks out and a meal at the local Greek restaurant. Seemed like a good idea to let someone else cook but was a bit disappointed with the grub to be honest. Fortunately the entertainment was good and the Belly Dancer didn't half know how to shake her hips!

So, no monkfish cooked, I had to redeem myself, and I totally have (smug alert!)....
Details, pics and recipe to follow later.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Library Card Galactica!

Took George to the library yesterday. (on the bike again I might add, yay me!) Hadn't been to the main one for about 5 years. Well I'd had no reason to... G was given loads of books when he was a baby and before then I was pregnant and DID NOT want to read about my tummy growing and feet swelling when I could find all that out by taking a peek in the mirror. The only book I needed while pregnant was "How to prevent preeclampsia, pregnancy rash and carpal tunnel syndrome" and funnily enough that book hasn't been written yet to my knowledge.
I reckon "You're having a sprog, grin and bear it" will be on the shelves before the other.

So anyway, we walked in the library and I very nearly apologised and walked back out, thought we'd accidentally walked into 2025!
Modern seating in one corner with tea and coffee making facilities!... A young pretty woman sat behind the help desk tapping away on t'interweb a bit further away... A wifi computer area for little ones to check their emails!.... a great selection of RECENT DVDs... and as if I wasn't already amazed enough (and baffled as to where all the old people had gone, and that fusty library smell) there stood before us.... THREE self serve scanning machines!!... Bugger me! But check this out, you don't even have to scan your books individually, just pop them on the shelf, tap the screen a couple of times and out pops your neat little receipt showing a list of the books you have and the date they're due back. G looked at me and I knew we were thinking the same!... "How fuc#ing cool is this!" Although if he was thinking that I'd better borrow "A guide to better parenting"
I'm not surprised the young woman on the 'help desk' didn't look busy, I reckon this machine would've given me directions home if I'd have asked it!

So yeah, we chose some books, got G his lovely new Gruffalo library card, wandered around in amazement and then cycled home totally impressed by our local library.

Am i just out of touch? Easily pleased? Who cares.
Get down to your local library before the Government closes them all!

Friday 25 March 2011

Sun, Sand and.... Monkfish???

Holy grasshoppers Batman, we've had like 3 or 4 sunny days this week! What's all that about?
(note to self... Do not blink or you might miss the British Summer)
What the hell have we done all Winter? Seriously, sat here now typing this on my phone,
with George throwing sand at the back of my head I'm wondering how we passed the time in Winter.

Anyway, thanks Spring because I have one very happy (but messy) chappy here today.
And yes, I'm still having sand thrown at the back of my head and yes, George thinks it's hilarious. Little does he know as soon as this post is finished he's being chased around the garden with a jug of water.

Now then...Dinner!! (ahh, this must be where the monkfish is relevant?)
A few days ago I cooked the worlds best ever Moussaka. Ok, so possibly not worlds best but shut it, it was in my eyes, hence why I'm still chirping on about it and including it in photos at the top of my blog. It's really made me want to try new dishes now and tomorrow night's big test is gonna be Monkfish.
I've never eaten monkfish never mind cooked it. Sounds like some weird religious amphibian if you ask me but hey it's the taste that matters.
So yeah I'll be reporting the results and might even share the recipe if none of us vomit. :o)

That's what it's gonna look like. HAA!.. If it does I'll bare my bum on Tower Bridge.

Ouch my buttocks!!

Maybe not how I expected my diary to begin but still, ouch my buttocks! Just got back from Nursery after taking G on the bike again. Started it yesterday and seeing as i've put a stone on since September I've decided to challenge myself. Nursery and back every morning for the next 4 weeks as well as a strict(ish) diet. I'm panting now but I reckon this time next week I won't feel like I've been kicked by a mule in both bum cheeks. It's been loads of fun making my jeans nice and tight but I want to shift it for Summer. A stone in 4 weeks, do-able? I'll give it a go. Besides, G loves going out on the bike so I don't think i'll be short of encouragement.
Oh and hello diary! I've only started writing here because I'm sure people on Facebook must be so tired of me documenting every move!... (George just farted, I'm having my dinner, oh look at George again...!...) Naturally as a mummy i'll never tire of rambling on about his latest achievements, new games and bowel movements but that doesn't mean every Tom, Dick and Harry gives a toss.
So this is it, my own little place to ramble on.
Catch you later diary, work to do. x