Friday 25 March 2011

Sun, Sand and.... Monkfish???

Holy grasshoppers Batman, we've had like 3 or 4 sunny days this week! What's all that about?
(note to self... Do not blink or you might miss the British Summer)
What the hell have we done all Winter? Seriously, sat here now typing this on my phone,
with George throwing sand at the back of my head I'm wondering how we passed the time in Winter.

Anyway, thanks Spring because I have one very happy (but messy) chappy here today.
And yes, I'm still having sand thrown at the back of my head and yes, George thinks it's hilarious. Little does he know as soon as this post is finished he's being chased around the garden with a jug of water.

Now then...Dinner!! (ahh, this must be where the monkfish is relevant?)
A few days ago I cooked the worlds best ever Moussaka. Ok, so possibly not worlds best but shut it, it was in my eyes, hence why I'm still chirping on about it and including it in photos at the top of my blog. It's really made me want to try new dishes now and tomorrow night's big test is gonna be Monkfish.
I've never eaten monkfish never mind cooked it. Sounds like some weird religious amphibian if you ask me but hey it's the taste that matters.
So yeah I'll be reporting the results and might even share the recipe if none of us vomit. :o)

That's what it's gonna look like. HAA!.. If it does I'll bare my bum on Tower Bridge.

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